Saturday, November 05, 2005

Best of Brodway Perfomance

Went to Royal Albert Hall yesterday to watch the 'Best of Brodway' perfomance by Royal Philharmonic Orchestra... It was really stunning and awesom. They played the song from the famous musical in London and Brodway, including the song from Mammamia, Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, and many more. Inspite all those, I like the song from Les Miserables the most... it's just remind me of the stoty and the real musical... It almost make me cry... ahhaha I'm being too melancholy perhaps. But the last song from Mammamia saves the tears... It makes everybody happy.. and move their body.. It was really fun.. You should watch it if they do another perfomance again... Really worthed.

Royal Albert Hall and the red interior.....

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