Friday, January 20, 2012

Street Life of Beijing

After discussing the architecture wonder by the great wall, we shouldn't forget that Beijing also has a sweet street life. Some are very humble, the rest are full of blink blink. In this episode, I'm interested to show the humbleness. I guess, I just enjoy too much of simplicity from other countries, as I can't really enjoy the simplicity in my city, Jakarta. It's not that I'm a hot shot here, but there are just too much limitation for me. O well, shall we go back to Beijing topic. 

Beijing street life often shows the real China culture. It's often you can see a man riding a bike and carrying tons of stuff. This shows the tough life in China despite the development of the modern world. It's amazing to see this kind of thing happened in one of the most prosperous city in the world. But again, this is Asia.., other than Japan and Singapore, contrast living is still pretty common.

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