Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Le Bleu Borobudur

I’m on Chinese New Year’s long weekend.. Yey!!! For this CNY, I spent the time in Magelang, my dad’s home town. It’s been a while for me since the last time I visited Magelang and Yogyakarta. Magelang is located on the North of Yogyakarta. It is a small town with its own charm and of course the marvelous Borobudur.  My aim this time is to see Borobudur at sunrise. 

At 4 am in the morning we woke up and started the walk and hike to the top of Borobudur at 4.30. It was dark. The walk was quite easy; everything was well arranged by the organizer.  We have to pay a bit of extra for the entrance fee, as the official opening hour is at 7 am. It was all worthy. 

The ambiance at the top of Borobudur was very quiet and serene. The silhouettes of the stupas look amazing. At the end, I wasn’t lucky enough to witness the sunrise. Nevertheless, the feeling being up there, surrounded by the stupas and misty ambiance was priceless. Everything there is blue. 

I know.., to wake up at 4 am or even earlier can be a pain. But.. compare to the experience you’ll get.., the pain is nothing. You can have the whole temple for yourself, as there were hardly people there. 

1 comment:

happy hen is the red-hooded traveller said...

Nice photos Tin!
Take me with you next time.....