Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Roman de la Rose

The project for Meung-sur-Loire. For this project, we have two option, wheather we produce the design by ourself or working in the group. And at that moment, we decided to work in the group. So me, Rachel, Emma, George, and Idel (from graphic design) decided to create a monumental space based on the 'Roman de la Rose' literature. The monumental space will be designed in a simple form. We took the precedent studies from Vietnam war veterans memorial in Washington, Ian Hamilton Findlay's stone and literature, and Charles Jenck's cosmic design.
It was quite fun to work in the group, even though that night we have to came back 'til 9pm because of the brainstorming process. As a result, we were quite happy with the design... and off course most important was the process... we did really enjoy the process.

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