Saturday, February 11, 2006

La Loire project

Given the project by Roger to design the site in Meung-sur-Loire, which located in south from Paris, near Orleans, along the Loire river. This project is actually looks more like Site Design (the subject I took in last year with Jamie).

From the client's brief, they want it the site to represents the element of water, stone, and verbs, which rings the bell to Ian Hamilton Finlay's design. Water and stone actually can be describe close to oriental design aswell, we can see the Japanese and Chinese garden always use this element (Yin and Yang.. Zen.. hard and soft).

For my first response to the site, I was thinking to create the site as La Loire river side. The whole park will be represents the river, and there are stripes along the pathway, which represents the river element (such as woodland, wetland, vineyard, etc...). The idea is, to reflect back or visualize your journey through out the river Loire. So the big idea is about journey.

But after the meeting with the whole team, and brain storming again, Im not really sure with he idea. I think there's still some holes missing there. And Im very interested in Rachel's idea about literature (adapt from Jean de Meung's Roman de la Rose). This poem of Jean de Meung talks about paradise at the first part. And at the second part, it talks about more reality situation. Ermmm maybe not really realisticcondition, but definitly more earthy element.

1 comment:

ipoel said...

What is this?? Nice blog :>

Do you have to have a blog for ur class?