Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Little Mischief's and Friends

Little Mischief feels like going to the woodland and playing with some autumn leaves. I remember my first autumn experience was really fun. I buried my self in the mount of dried leaves. I like maple tree the most. Maple has distinctive leave shape and color. It can go from yellow to bright red.

Little Mischief doesn't know how to swim. Nevertheless, she loves swimming with the fish, especially to meet her friend, mr. whale shark in the Philippines. 
Where as the elephant loves to do sun tanning. The elephant can lie down on top the mr. whale shark's body for the whole noon.

Friday, March 09, 2012

Perfect Campus Town

If you ask me about the coolest campus town I've known, I will definitely say Cambridge without a doubt. It's not that I've been to many campus town, but Cambridge is just mesmerising. There is a river pass through the town with lots of boats. The river is pretty shallow, and therefore the method of passing the canal is through punting. It looks easy and romantic and relaxing... Guess what!! It's not. I tried, and I lost the stick for so many time. 

Beside the river and the punting, the public life in Cambridge is superb. People just sitting out, enjoying the good weather and (mediocre) English food with beer, how can life be better than that :) The ambiance of the town is good, it has enough balance of nice touristy and local feeling. And of course it has this aristocracy atmosphere all the way.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Street Art in Berlin

Does street art consider as a vandalism act? Or does it actually help to voice people's mind and beautify the city? Whatever it is, Berlin is Berlin because of these street arts. Once you are there, you will feel the hipness, the energy, and the fun of Berlin life. 

I can say almost everything in Berlin is very relaxing and casual. People bike everywhere (including me.. yes me), well .. not as much as in The Netherlands.. but it's equally good. The casual life in Berlin is shown through the hot spot for the youngsters. My friends and I visited this bar that looks like the ruin of post WWII. You can probably see holes from the bullet shot. The other thing that amazed me was the bars hopping activity. People just carry their drinks and start walking from one bar to another. 

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Little Mischief Strikes.. again...

This time little mischief spends more time with her friends. A quality time in cooking, bathing (the thing that she hates), picnicking... And she also acknowledge that the elephant is her friend, not just a chubby accessory.