Thursday, December 29, 2011

Introducing INGE

Inge is my best friend. We knew each other through a friend of ours, Merlin. At the beginning, we started hanging out as church buddies. Both of us doesn't really have regular company for Sunday morning mass.

After church time, we normally spending time eating out, enjoying high tea, and meandering the city. Since Inge has lived in Shanghai for longer time than I do, she knows more about the off beaten path too (well.., actually, she's naturally know that kind of stuff). Inge is a really FUN person to hang out with. I can talk to her about anything... and by anything.. it really means ANYTHING. From the smartest things to the dumbest and even weirdest stuffs. So.. YES, we really enjoy each others company.

Before I met her, I actually heard a lot about her sportiness (aka awesomeness). She's adventurous kind of girl and really really love to do outdoor activities. And therefore, she's the one who directly/ indirectly push me to do more daring stuffs. It began with running for breast cancer research, for which I never done before. And that was just the beginning of our adventures. To cut it short, she's basically help me to conquer my own fear and to become a happier person.

For all those reasons (plus many more), I really cherish her as my best best friend and I miss her dearly... (am truly hoping that Jordan trip will happen, hence we can rock Jordan together)

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