Monday, June 19, 2006

Picnic at Richmond Park

Today my friends (Francesca, Ana and her hubby, Juao) and I went to picnic at Richmond Park. The weather was good, clear and sunny. It was a real fun.. the food is good (thanks to Ana and her efford to prepare everything), the park was amazing (its beautiful and huge.. I almost forgot that it actually still in London). And yes.. it feels like picnicking in the country side.
After the picnic, off course we went for a walk along the park. And we saw whole bunch of dear running on the meadow.. (feels just like in the savannah)... Then we catch them eating the leaves from the horse chestnut... and yah.. haha I always think that the dear eat the grass..

Sunday, June 18, 2006


On the 10th of June, I was watching the Kabuki perfomances at Sadler's Wells. This is my first time watch the Japanese opera. It was played by all male artist. The Kabuki perfomance is very different with the western opera. In European opera, the artist tend to enhance the singing and the music. Whereas in Kabuki, they don't sing or talk much, sometimes they shouting, but mostly they enhance the koto (Japanese instrument) play and the dance.
And off course like any other cultural play, Kabuki shows Japanese way of living very clearly. For example, women are not really get respect in Japan. They use to walk behind the man, walk with the small step and dance softly.
This perfomance was divided into two plays. One is called 'Fuji Musume' and the other called 'Kasane'

'Fuji Musume'; Background:
In the early 19th century kabuki witnessed a boom in 'transformation' (hengemono) dance pieces. In these dances, a single performer would dance a number of contrastinng roles in rapid succession, using quick- change techniques to transform their clothing, hairstyle and make-up for each role.

'Kasane'; Background:
Kasane is a richly poetic dance- drama set into beautiful music that weaves together sensual erotism and chilling horror in a baroque blend typical early 19th century kabuki. The story is based upon a popular folk tale from the late 17th century about Yuten Shonin, a Buddhist priest who exorcise a vengeful female ghost called Kasane.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

My favourite corner in Indonesia

Heya all..... First of all... congratulation for exhibition. I think we all should proud of it. Just imagine how hard we all work. Aniway, its all over now.. welcome to the new world.
I'm just too happy that everything is done, even tho feel a bit sad asweel.. lost and confuse aswell.. as I haven't really make decission of what I'm gonna do next. But yeah.., forget about the lost and confuse for a while, I just wanna enjoy the freedom.. (I know it won't last long.. that is why i should enjoy this moment).

This summer I won't going back to Indonesia.. Gonna spend the whole summer here.. settling down for everything.. prepare for my next step of life. .. Ou I miss Indonesia. I miss my parents... and yeah I miss my favourite corner in Indonesia (this corner refer to the small Japanese garden at my house).
This Japanese garden is taken care by my dad and his assistant (the gardener, named Bejo). I love this garden because its full of my dad's second lovers (the Bonsai.... ehhehehe). The garden located just in front of my bedroom's window. It fills with bonsai and the koi pond. From my room i can always enjoys the amazing view of this corner. The water drips from the fountain always gives the fresh felling in the hot sunny weather in Indonesia.
Gossshhh... I wanna go back home already.....

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The exhibition

Besides all the concept, analysis, strategy, and the bluff, this final work means massive break to me. Hahaha.. finally there... finally finish... and i can say good bye to 'lovely' Hadlow.......

And I really hope that all of us will still keep in touch. Gonna miss you guys....