Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Liberete Me!

I found the title 'Liberete Me' is realy difficult for me. I keep thinking how to liberete myself at first. Then liberete the space.. which is Courtyard 14 in Hadlow campus. My chosen word for this project is 'Magnetism'. I guess from this word I can think of the character of magnet, and think literally of magnestism. Literally, 'magnetism' means 'drive people attention into it'. not far from the literal definition, 'magnet' has a character of forcing magnetic object to come into it, 'line of force' would be the correct word to express it.

'Magnet' reaction happen because there are nucleus (consist of proton and neutron) and electron. When you rub the magnetic material, the electron movement become random and inconsistent. This is when the magnetism reaction being created.

To start designing the project, I choose Christo's work to be the precedent study and the inspiration. Christo wraps object to drive people attention to that object. The unattractive object can become attractive when you do something to it. The idea of using fabric and bright colour to cover seems very successful.

About the courtyard, the fact that there are 4 windows looking into the courtyard is suitable and beneficial the design concept 'magnestism'. To visualize the concept of 'magnetism', and to liberete the site, there will be series of ribbons hanging from the top of the building. Series of ribbon represents lines of force, whereas the colourful idea represents random movement of the electron. To represent the still condition of nucleus, there will be order of Betula pendula trees in the courtyard.
The slunting ground represents force and attraction of the lines aka ribbons. In the middle of the ground there will be a channel dividing the ground. the channel will use reflective material for its base. The use of mirror on its base will make the vertical element become blur and dissapear. By making this, it will create the idea of random situation.

The model that shows randomness of energy. Lines of force that keep the ribbons flow in the right direction. The next picture is the presentation board that presents the whole idea of 'magnetism'.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

TerraFirma Project

Here I post some of the images from Landscape Science and Technique class with David Watson. During this lesson, we have to learn how to create landform using TerraFirma (it is some kind of extension of auto cad program). And for this project, we have to learn about cut and fill technique of the landform. After that, we have to explore with any other programs (Bryce, SketchUp, Photoshop, etc). And yah.., this is the last submission before Christmas holiday. Even though, it doesn't quite feel like a holiday... you know, with all the course works.. esp. the masterplan, which I think would be very tough.
Ou well, so these are some of the sketches and visuals from the Digital Landscape.